Query objects

Query objects store complex SQL queries, data aggregation, and filtering methods.

The goal of this pattern is to remove code for querying sets of objects from models/controllers and provide a simple yet powerful interface for complex data aggregation. Their name should be suffixed by Query

  • Contain only one query method
  • Query can be parametrized through QueryObject setters
  • No rules for return (scalar, DTO, viewModel, collection)
final class UsersThatHaveAMonthlySubscription
	private $withGroups = false;
	private $type = null;
    public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em) 
	 public function includeGroups(): self
	     $this->withGroups = true;
	     return $this;

	 public function restrictByType($type): self
	     $this->type = $type;
	     return $this;

    public function __invoke() : Traversable